Wednesday 23 September 2015

Yuri Nakamura - Angel Beats!

A story set in the Afterlife, Yuri Nakamura is one of the main protagonists in “Angel Beats!” and becomes the founder and leader of the organisation “After War Front” (The organisation’s name occasionally changing throughout the series) which acts as a rebellion against God.

Having suffered a series of horrific events in her life, Yuri blames her misfortune on God and aims to fight against him in the so-called afterlife she is sent to. As a charismatic leader, her subordinates hold deep respect and trust for her, even going as far as giving up their lives (though no one can really die). This is a result of her ability to empathize with others and her tendency to take on large roles of responsibility. She is straightforward in her speech, sometimes appearing to be blunt however she tries to humor the situation of the Afterlife. She loves laughing like a villain when things go her way and she doesn’t hesitate to input a black humor joke about death when the opportunity arises.

 She is capable of commanding units and strategizing, often collecting data to analyze in order to combat Angel, God’s so-called representative. Her strengths don’t just stop there, as she cannot be forgotten as one of the strongest characters in the series. She carries around an automatic pistol as well as two short knives being able to use both in close combat where she excels at being able to fight hand-to-hand. She also appears to have some skill at sniping as shown in episode 1.
Shooting Skill

Hand-to-hand combat

Yuri’s character is used to view the philosophical questions about the fairness of life. Her lead as a female depicts the weakness of humans against unavoidable events and it shows the scale of her rage against God. It is her female attributes that make her so important to the series as her cause of reason would not be believable enough without it.

The storyline of the plot is a little hard to understand so down below is the promotional video for Angel Beats!

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